Pizza delivery shop Zug-Baar
Opening hours:
Mo - Sa
11:00 - 13:30 17:30 - 22:00
17:00 - 21:30
Minimum order and delivery area
CHF 20
Baar (6340, 6341), Steinhausen (6312), Zug (6300,6301, 6302, 6303, 6304)
CHF 30
Cham (6330), Neuheim (6345), Oberwil (6317)
CHF 40
Allenwinden (6319), Hagendorn (6332), Hausen am Albis (8915), Kappel am Albis (8926), Mettmenstetten (8932)
CHF 50
Ebertswil (8925), Hünenberg (6331), Knonau (8934), Maschwanden (8933), Menzingen (6313), Rifferswil (8911), Rotkreuz (6343), Unterägeri (6314)
CHF 70
Affoltern am Albis (8910), Oberägeri/Moorgarten (6315), Walchwil (6318)
Order quick and simple Italian food (pizza, pasta and salads) in Zug, Baar and the surrounding municipalities of Steinhausen and Cham.
Tanta italianità from the pizza delivery shop Zug-Baar
There might not be any Zug cherry torte – instead we've got our iconic dieci pizza!
At Neugasse 11 in Baar (with the bull outside the door), our Naples native Gianluca Stabile and his pizza delivery crew are ready to provide you with the finest pizzas, creamy pasta al forno, fresh salads and our dieci gelati artigianali. Gluten-free and vegan versions of the dishes are also available. You can order easily online or by telephone for delivery to your home or office, dine at a table on the premises or collect for take-away.
Pane, amore e fantasia from Baar.
We have seating on site:
5 tables are available