Pizza delivery shop Ebikon-Luzern
17:00 - 20:00
Order quick and simple Italian food (pizza, pasta and salads) in Ebikon and the surrounding municipalities of Emmen, Buchrein, Dierikon and Adligenswil.
Italianità a casa from the pizza delivery shop Lucerne-Ebikon
In up-and-coming Ebikon, at the gateway to Lucerne, the sporty rowers on Lake Rotsee no doubt dine on dieci pizzas! Dieci's 17th pizza delivery shop opened in Ebikon in 2011. The team, led by Managing Directors Kim and Sam, deliver the tried-and-tested authentic dieci delivery range to customers: exquisite pizzas, delicious pasta dishes, fresh crunchy salads and authentic gelati. The finest italianità with vegan and gluten-free options also available. Our delivery times are award-worthy – our delivery area around Lucerne has been optimally organised since autumn 2017, thanks to the pizza delivery shop in Lucerne. Order online now to enjoy italianità, delivered free, wherever you want!
We have seating:
You can also visit our premises and enjoy the dieci pizzas on one of the 20 seats on site.