Pizza delivery shop Frauenfeld

Order delivery Order for collection
Opening hours:
Mo - Do
11:00 - 13:30 17:00 - 21:30
Fr - Sa
11:00 - 13:30 17:00 - 22:00
16:00 - 21:30
Minimum order and delivery area
CHF 20
Frauenfeld (8500, 8501, 8502, 8503, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540)
CHF 30
Ellikon an der Thur (8548), Felben-Wellhausen (8552), Kefikon, Islikon (8546), Gachnang (8547),
CHF 40
Aawangen, Häuslenen (8522), Altikon (8479), Bertschikon (8543), Dettighofen TG, Pfyn (8505), Hagenbuch (8523), Herdern (8535), Lanzenneunforn (8506), Hüttlingen, Eschikofen (8553), Matzingen (9548), Müllheim (8555), Stettfurt (9507), Thundorf/Wetzikon TG (8512), Uesslingen-Buch (8524), Warth-Weiningen (8532)
CHF 50
Hüttwilen (8536), Lommis (9506), Weingarten-Kalthäusern (9508), Märstetten (8560), Nussbaumen (8537), Rickenbach bei Winterthur (8545), Wigoltingen (8556), Wilen bei Neunform (8525)

Order quick and simple Italian food (pizza, pasta and salads) in Frauenfeld and the surrounding municipalities of Felben-Wellhausen, Häuslenen, Ellikon an der Thur and Eschikofen

Italianità pura from pizza delivery shop Frauenfeld


The cantonal capital of Thurgau too offers the indulgence of dieci’s exquisite Italian dishes. Our pizza delivery shop on Bahnhofstrasse in Frauenfeld has been serving up fast and free pizza delivery and the best dieci product quality since 2013.


Authentic Italian pizzas are delivered from here, the second smallest pizza delivery shop in our group. In addition to pizza (vegan and gluten-free also available), pasta al forno dishes, fresh salads, refreshing drinks and the exquisite dieci gelato are also available to order to the home or collect for take-away. The order process is easy to complete online. A presto!