The dieci gelato fairy tale
Or why the first is not always the best.

Who invented this delicious dessert? There are 1.3 million theories about it on Google. In ancient China, ice cream was concocted from glacier snow; the Persians made it from rose water and rice noodles; for Hippocrates it was medicine; Marco Polo brought it to Italy as a souvenir; and for the Americans it was a sweet bomb. You might think that the stories about how ice cream was invented come from the Asterix and Obelix comic strips, or from a smart business idea on the reality show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (the lion’s den). Ultimately, only one thing is clear: nobody knows the real story.
However, it is not a matter of who invented the ice cream, but who makes it into a perfect creation every day. Or to put it another way: where is the best gelateria outside the Persian Empire? As you might have guessed, we are not entirely objective about this question at dieci. But who wants gelato that is objectively the best? You really want gelato that is made with passion – like the ones you find at dieci.
Why is everyone so crazy about ice cream?
What is so wonderful about gelato is the feelings it stirs up. Ice cream stands for summer, sun, holidays and comfort. More than any other food, it is associated with a wealth of positive experiences. These so-called taste memories can last forever. Every time we enjoy an ice cream, we automatically remember it. It is like looking at a family album or scrolling through content on TikTok, depending on which gelato generation you belong to.
The taste of childhood
When our founder Rocco Delli Colli treats himself to a dieci gelato today, his mind is filled with fairy-tale childhood memories. For example, how, as the son of an Italian farmer, he carried the milk from the five cows to the beautiful Giulietta, who used it to make gelato. Every step taken with the heavy milk can was worth it. The ice cream was so good that not only did he make a trip to the neighbouring village for it, but later on he would drive thousands of kilometres from Switzerland to his hometown of Arpino. Anything for a gelato; just like Giulietta used to make.
It is a good thing that Rocco Delli Colli possesses excellent business acumen along with experiencing these fond childhood memories. With the launch of our dieci gelati, he was ultimately able to bring it all together: the emotions of his homeland, the dedication of family-run ice cream making, and the taste of superbly sun-ripened fruit.
Dolce Vita on your doorstep
It may not always be possible to travel all the way to Italy for an authentic, traditional gelato. What is the answer? Instead, you can visit or one of our 41 pizza delivery branches. We can deliver twelve of the finest Italian delicacies, from cioccolato to melon, directly to your home. Or you may wish to walk to one of our gelaterias in Zurich, Rapperswil, Zug, Lucerne or Uster. You might even meet Giulietta there. Actually, we made that up!