Pizza ordered - and now? A look behind the scenes
With just a few clicks or a phone call, you can order a dieci pizza. But what happens at dieci between the receipt of your order and the delivery of the crispy, warm dieci pizza?
A great amount of pizza orders arrive at the dieci branches every day. As a customer, you only experience a small part of the entire process. It is high time to take a look behind the scenes:

By phone or online?
There are two ways to order a dieci pizza: online or by phone. You wonder who still picks up the phone these days? «Surprisingly, quite a few people still call to order a pizza,» says Patrick Bircher, managing director of Dieci AG. «Often it's business customers who order pizzas for several people before lunchtime and want to make absolutely sure over the phone that all preferences are recorded correctly.»
Order easy and convenient
Dieci realized early that new ordering channels would always open up. Hence more than twenty years ago,, one of the first e-commerce shops in Switzerland, went online. The founders of Netcetera, a Swiss software company, had won dieci as a customer during their start-up phase and built their first online shop for them. Since then a lot has happened. Patrick Bircher comments: «We are always looking to optimise and refine the ordering process and thus the customer experience.» Even more comfort for the future: We are constantly optimising and making it even more convenient for the customer and adding functions that simplify ordering.

Local differences
Whether by phone or online, interestingly, regional differences in ordering behaviour can be observed: The more urban the area, the more likely customers are to order online. Overall, about 60 to 70 per cent of orders are placed online - that's an average of 100 per day and branch.
Reaching the destination quickly
The pragmatic attitude of dieci is also reflected in its online shop, where the ordering process is straightforward. «We want to sell our customers fine pizza, pasta and gelato. The orders should reach their destination quickly and not be held up,» says Patrick Bircher. The online order arrives at the franchisee in real time and is processed immediately. Taking the order, topping the pizza, baking it and preparing it for delivery takes about 20 minutes. In very busy periods, it can take longer, for example during lunchtime. Thanks to modern systems, you can keep track of a lot of orders these days. As soon as the pizza is ready, it is delivered directly. The courier puts the pizza in the special oven of the Fiat Panda and drives off.

1 ride for 1 order
Fatmir Veseli, franchisee of dieci Winterthur, says: «We deliver each order individually, because the pizza looses its quality with each additional minute of driving. For us, that means an average of about 200 to 250 trips per day. Only extremely rarely we do deliver two orders together, and then only if the addresses are located very close to each other.» And while new pizza couriers still follow the route suggested by the ordering system, the more experienced couriers manoeuvre unerringly through the streets of the surrounding area without GPS. Not surprising, since some of them have over 10 years of experience.
Thirty to forty minutes have passed since you ordered your pizza at dieci, and a dieci delivery driver rings the doorbell. Finally, the pizza you've been waiting for has arrived! While you enjoy your pizza in peace, the driver returns and completes the order.
We wish you «buon appetito» and the courier «a good next trip»!