Towards climate-neutral italianità with the «dieci Forest»

The “dieci Forest” – a project for climate-optimised forest management – is growing on 973 hectares in idyllic Grüsch in the canton of Graubünden, outside the pizza delivery area of dieci. The project is implemented by myclimate: the foundation promotes environmental protection through advisory services, education and climate protection projects. The projects are funded by customers to offset their greenhouse gas emissions – just like our «dieci Forest» and a project to produce and distribute efficient cookers and climate-friendly solar cookers in Madagascar. Through both of these projects, dieci offsets the CO₂ footprint of its pizza delivery.
Voluntary decision not to use wood
The «dieci Forest» is part of an overall project in the Prättigau and Davos area with an annual CO₂ reduction of around 33,057 tonnes. How that works? By partially refraining from using wood in the municipal forest of Grüsch, CO₂ is removed from the atmosphere over the long term through tree growth and stored in the biomass and soil. The municipality of Grüsch has committed itself to pursuing this climate-optimised forest management project for at least 30 years. The revenue from the sale of CO₂ reduction certificates – such as to dieci – compensates for the lost income from the use of wood.

High biodiversity
The forest is a guardian of biodiversity. The highly endangered capercaillie (wood grouse) or the yellow-bellied toad make their home in the «dieci Forest». Climate-optimised forest management also provides a habitat for numerous plant species. The “dieci Forest” project satisfies 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN. These include Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production, Goal 13 on climate action and Goal 15 on life on land.

A broad catalogue of measures
Climate-neutral management is important, of course. However, dieci is highly aware of the fact that voluntary offsetting of CO₂ emissions alone is not sufficient to protect the environment and the climate. The question of how to implement a delivery service that is as climate-friendly as possible has high priority at dieci. We are working on rolling out electric delivery vehicles, we offer environmentally friendly packaging and we ensure that food purchases are as resource-efficient as possible.