10 questions you always wanted to ask a dieci pizza delivery driver
Things you always wanted to ask a dieci pizza delivery driver
Florent has been working at dieci for ten years now. During this time, he has experienced a lot. He is available to answer a few questions you may have always asked yourself.

1. How often do you actually eat pizza?
Well, actually only when I'm really hungry. If you are surrounded by pizza all day long, you start being fed up with it at a certain point.
2. Assuming you are really hungry, which dieci pizza would you order? You are familiar with the whole range of dieci pizzas.
Pizza Margherita with peperoncini - my favourite pizza.

3. What was the most absurd situation you ever experienced as a pizza delivery driver?
There are always special situations every now and then. Once during the Street Parade, we were completely being overrun. I think one of the parade trucks stopped nearby. But people wanted beer rather than pizza. By the way: the cliché that naked or lightly dressed people open the door for us occurs more often than you think.
4. And the most absurd place of delivery?
Here I can think of two good situations: One time I delivered pizza to a forest hut somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and the other time directly to platform 43 at Zurich main station. But hey, why not?

5. What do you think about people who practically live next door but have their pizza delivered?
I do not judge them (laughs). I wouldn't want to go out again in sport pants and in the rain either. Often elderly people order pizza, too, who are no longer very flexible.
6. Do you have favourite customers?
Yes of course! There is an American customer who orders pizza about every fourth day. I usually take his calls and over time we started talking about different things.

7. Cool, so it's kind of a pen/phone friendship?
Exactly! In the meantime, we have become friends, even though we have never met in real life (laughs). He once gave me a cap from the L.A. Clippers and I gave him a beer in return.
8. Have you ever got lost on your delivery tour?
At the beginning all the time. I always had to enter the addresses in the navigation system. Embarrassing but true: I couldn't even find my way back to the dieci branch without a navigation system. But now I know my way around quite well.

9. When you are late - how do people react?
Well, when people order pizza, they're usually hungry. Some people are already "hangry" and snap at you. But you have to be able to deal with that - it's part of the job. You always have to be relaxed, open minded and friendly.
10. Why are there sometimes longer delivery times? Do you dawdle?
I'd say it's rather because of the Swiss tendency to eat on time either at noon or between 6 and 7pm. And if all orders come in at the same time, it simply takes longer.